
Are Artificial Humans Like Us? Samsung Neon Project

Recently, in the event of CES 2020, Samsung has just unveiled its latest project about artificial humans which are the same as us but in the form of digital. this project is known as project neon. these are the digital avatar which is more than humans. These types of the avatar can be very helpful for persons who feel lonely in their life. Basically, these avatars are the software which is preprogrammed to read the emotions of the users who are chatting with them. They are now more than the chatbots whom to which we generally chat with but these types of avatars can easily read and understand your emotions using the camera which will be used to capture your facial gestures and your expressions. It will try to figure out your feeling based on your expressions and your behaviors. They are doing all this with the help of machine learning technology which is helping it to understand your expressions and your questions according to which it is providing you the answers.                

Awareness related to E-waste

Hello guys, today I am going to tell you something about most important topic that is E-waste or electronic waste . I am an student of engineering doing btech in electronic and communication . I love to do electronic stuffs and making new things, using new sensors and lots of more things. But when I got acknowledge with the waste produced by these electronic things, I was shocked. And I think all people should aware about these things. E-waste is the waste which can't be disposed easily by the nature. When I studied more about E-waste then I came to know more things about it. So I decide to share it with you guys and want your opinion on this topic. For those who don't know about E-waste, I want to tell them that it is waste created by electronic products or goods. The main source of E-waste is the Smart phones . It is the major cause of E-waste in the world. Currently in India, there are more than 1.1 billion mobile users. Except mobiles, there are many other things su

Power transmission in battlebot

Hi guys , hope you are having nice days. Today I am going to post my next blog based on battlebot. My next topic is based on power transmission in battlebot. You all know the material which is required to make a battlebot by my previous blogs but today I am going to tell you that how to transmit power in your battlebot. Power transmission is main thing which gives power to the whole battlebot and it's weapon system. There are many ways to transfer power easily in your battlebot. I am going to describe all the possible way to transfer power. These are described as:- 1:- Gears : There are 3 main types of gears, as pictured in the next page: (a) cylindrical gears, with straight or helical teeth; (b)conical gears, which have perpendicular and convergent axes; and (c) worm gears, consisting of a worm (which is a gear in the form of a screw) that meshes with a worm gear (which is similar in appearance to a spur gear, and is also called a worm wheel), where the worm and worm

Material required to build battlebot

Hi guys , today I am going to post the blog based on battlebots. My today's topic is how to select material for designing your battlebot. I know everyone wants to know that which material should be used to make the battlebot. Today I will give you all details related to the material which you can use to build your own battlebot. You had listen about many material such as aluminium, steel, titanium, etc. But these material have also very different varieties. For example steel has many variety depends on the amount of different materials in it such that carbon, etc. Some of the material which you can use to build your own battlebot are: • aluminum and magnesium alloys in general, especially the high strength ones, are a very good choice for protected structural walls, integrated structure-armor, structural top covers, bottom covers, ablative armor and internal mounts.They're also a good choice for the body of weapons that have inserts, such as spinning disks, shells, dru

Bone Conduction Headphones

Hey guys, today I have came with a very interesting topic which you might have never heard about it. This topic is so interesting that when I first heard about it, I don't believe it but when I read the concept behind this idea then I believe it. It's an beautiful innovation of 18th century. Today topic is Bone Conduction Headphones . Yeah, it is a headphone which transmits sounds directly through bones not your ears. Sound is the form of vibration which travels in air and when these waves collides with our eardrum, then we listen the sound. But think that if these vibration directly hits your bone and make you listen to your favourite musics. It send the vibration straight into the top of your jaw and from there to your inner ear and brain. This idea of bone conduction first came in the mind of a 18th century composer who is completely deaf. His name is Ludwig van Beethoven . He found a way to hear the sound of piano through his jawbone by attaching a rod to his piano a

Arduino Boards

Hello guys !!! I hope you all are working well. Today I am going to tell you about the Arduino boards. I hope you all have listen about it or you have used it in your projects. But today I am going to give you all details about Arduino boards at one place. I hope that you will like my blog. If you like my blog then please show me some love by liking the blog and following me for such kind of more stuffs. Now, when I first heard about Arduino boards from my senior, the first question which raises in my mind is that What is Arduino boards??   The Arduino boards is a microcontroller which is used to build control many things such that you can control the speed of motor, it's rotation and many more. You can also use it to build many projects such obstacle avoidance robot, home automation and many more. The use of Arduino is totally depends on your requirements and your skills to use it. Most Arduino boards consist of an  Atmel 8-bit AVR microcontroller (ATmega8, ATmega168,

Armor design for battlebot

Hello guys, I hope you all are well. Today I am going to tell you about the armor which you need for the defence of your battlebot. Armor is used to protect your battlebots from getting damages from other battlebots. It helps to protect the internal system of the battlebot while defending your bots from others. There are basically three types of armor. I am going to define all types of armored. 1. Traditional Armor: Traditional Armor plates are usually made out of very tough and hard materials that try to absorb and transmit the impact energy without getting damaged. The high hardness of the armor plate are used to break up or flatten sharp edges from the opponent weapon while it's toughness allow the plates to withstand the blow  without breaking. Due to their high hardness, traditional armor need to be changed less often. However they transmit a lot of energy to the rest of the robot structure which can affect the robot. 2. Ablative Armor: Ablative armor plates on the