How to design a battlebot???

Hello guys,I hope that everyone is well. I am also well. Currently I am busy in some project that's why I get late to upload new blog. The blog related to my secret project will also be uploaded on my blog, so stay tuned for that.
Today I am going to tell you that how to design a battlebot. I hope that you have readen my previous blog. If not then I will provide its link below. Don't forget to read that blog to understand more.
Now if you have chosen to design a battlebot, then the first question in your mind is that "how???". So today I am going to answer about how...
Before designing battlebot, please keep these points in your mind.

•Cost- It matters to everyone before designing a battlebot. Please decide the money factors which you can use it on your project. Price also matter that at which level is that competition in which you want to take part. Think about price, before start.

•Sponsorship- if you can't arrange that much amount of money , then try to get sponsorship from your or from any companies. It will gives you an extra hand to work fast.

Now let's start talking about designing of battlebot. I will try to make it as simple a I can, so that you can understand it more smartly.

• First step is to take an estimate weight of the bot which you are going to make.Weight will help you to distribute components equally to the bot.

•If after adding all the motors, wheels, structural components, weapons and batteries, the robot is way above its weight class limit, this means it's time to reduce the entire scale of robot or to use lighter components.

•To distribute well the robot weights, a very useful tip is to use the 30-30-25-15 rule.

•30% of the robot weight should be devoted to the drive system, 30% to the weapon, 25% to the structure and armor and 15% to the batteries and electronics.

•When designing and sketching the robot, always have in mind the principle known as KISS: Keep It simple, Stupid! In other words, don’t complicate your design too much if not necessary, design your robot in the simplest possible way, but never simpler than that.

If you have access to CAD programs such as Solidworks or Rhino3D, then you can use them to create a 3D view of the robot.

•During the design phase, it is necessary to have in mind that fragile items such as electronic components should be placed well inside the robot, to be protected from cutting weapons.

Now I am going to talk about robot structure. There are generally main three types:
1. Trussed- The trussed robots are build using several bars, in general welded together, resulting in very light and rigid structure. The armor is made out of several plates, usually screwed to the bars, sometimes using rubber sandwich mounts to provide damping against impact weapons. They are the fastest type of structure to build, it is enough to use a hacksaw and welding equipment to quickly assemble the chassis.  The greatest disadvantage is to depend on the welds, which are in general weak points.

2. Integrated- The integrated robots  receive such name because the structure and armor are integrated into a single set,using screws or welds. The same plates that work as armor are the ones where the internal components are mounted to. Sometimes there is a thinner armor layer on top of the integrated structure.Build such robot is not an easy task, however they generate very compact and resistant systems.

3. Unibody- The unibody robots have their structure milled out of a single solid block. Through milling, it is possible to create the side walls, the bottom, and pockets to fit batteries, motors, etc. In this way,it is not necessary to weld or to use screws in the structure,except to install the components and to attach the top cover. These are the lightest and most resistant robots. 

However, you lose about 80% to 90% of the material from the solid block to carve its interior, not to mention the hours (or days) hogging the milling machine. The cost and material waste makes this solution attractive only to very light robots such as the insects. Another disadvantage is that there is no way to replace a damaged part of the structure , as it is done with the armor plate from the trussed body. If there’s too much damage, it might be necessary to mill an entirely new unibody.

Thanks for visiting my website. I will post my next blog with more details on designing of armor which you can use to protect your battlebot from getting damages. I am providing you the link of my previous blog which you can visit to get more information.

Comment down all your queries regarding this and I will try to resolve it as quickly as possible. Please share my blog as much as you can.


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